Project Gabriel

The Gabriel Project is an ecumenical movement of churches standing together in their willingness to offer assistance to women facing crisis pregnancies. Each congregation will advertise this willings by placing a “Sign of Life” in front of their church. Each congregation will develop its own, unique response to the needs of the mothers under its care. Training, support, encouragement, and basic guidelines will be made available to the church. Each congregation will be a witness to our community of the infinite and healing love of God.

For the Mothers and their unborn babies

Through the Gabriel Project the mother can receive love, care and the spiritual and emotional support she needs. The church community is invited to respond to the mother’s needs, whatever they may be with respect and confidentiality. An angel (parishioner), selected by the pastor will be responsible for on going contact with the mother. The church community accepts the expectant mother with an unconditional love.

For the love of God

The goal of the Gabriel Project is to encourage the church to be the good Samaritan to the woman faced with a crisis pregnancy. The congregation will do this by welcoming and assisting the woman with love. Jesus will be brought into her life and home through the care and concern of the church community. The love of the church community will open the hearts of men and women to recognize the beauty and goodness of God’s creation, and His infinite compassion and mercy.

Project Gabriel is a practical response to helping women in a crisis pregnancy.

  • The Project promotes the dignity of the mother and life of the unborn child.
  • The Project relies on “angels” who contribute their time treasures and talents helping women in crisis pregnancies.
  • The “angels” meet every 3rd Thursday at 6:30 pm in a class room in Parish School.
  • Your ideas and suggestions are welcome and encouraged.

The following are some ministries for which “angels” are needed:

  • Receiving phone calls
  • Preparing gift bags for Moms and Babies
  • Home visits with the mother
  • Referrals for Parenting classes
  • Donations – Infant clothing, maternity clothing, food/formula, furniture (we can pickup), financial help.
  • Bulletin updates

Major Support Services

  • Mother and Baby Assistance for the Gabriel Project. Parish collects supplies for mothers and babies in need.
  • Rachel’s Vineyard Weekend Retreat if you or someone you know is hurting because of a post abortion decision come experience the healing power of Jesus Christ. A weekend offers the chance to work through painful feelings in a safe confidential environment and know God’s mercy and forgiveness, Call 915-872-8405
  • Coalition for Hope and Healing
  • An outreach for women (and men) who have had an abortion offering one on one confidential care, counseling and healing. Call 915-564-4444
  • Family Life Office offers fertility awareness and natural family planning to help couples understand the gift of their own fertility when planning their families. Call 915-872-8401
  • Adoption and Foster Care provided through Lee and Beulah Moore Children’s Home. Call 915-544-8777

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